
01. The first time we visited Grandpa in the hospital he complained about the food, so on [subsequent] visits we brought him his favorite meals from home.
02. Sophie did quite poorly on her first two math tests, but on [subsequent] exams she averaged between 90 and 100%.
03. Their [subsequent] questions were much easier to answer than the previous ones.
04. In his original memo he expressed his concern about the issue, but in his [subsequent] notes he didn't mention it at all.
05. The supervisor has announced that our first staff meeting will last for two hours, and [subsequent] meetings for only one hour.
06. Because of the chaotic nature of our previous meetings, [subsequent] meetings will follow Robert's Rules of Order.
07. [Subsequent] to our discussions on Wednesday, we have implemented the recommended changes to the program.
08. Srully D. Blotnick once observed that what looks like a loss may be the very event which is [subsequently] responsible for helping to produce the major achievement of your life.
09. Studies show that people dream an average of five times a night, and each [subsequent] dream is longer than the one preceding it.
10. He wrote an article for an academic journal, and the letters that were received on the topic, and printed in [subsequent] issues were quite favorable.
11. In Greenland, each layer of snow is compressed into ice by the weight of [subsequent] snowfalls.
12. Royal patronage of the arts declined in Europe [subsequent] to the death of Louis XIV in 1715.
13. In 1994, the currency of the African nation of Benin was devalued by 50%, and the country [subsequently] suffered under inflation of 55%.
14. Although Bolivia gained independence from Spanish rule in 1825, much of its [subsequent] history has consisted of a series of nearly 200 coups and counter-coups.
15. Independent for more than 300 years, Iceland was [subsequently] governed by Norway and Denmark until 1944.
16. Growing plants use ground water, which is [subsequently] expelled back into the atmosphere.

Grammatical examples in English. 2013.

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  • subséquent — subséquent, ente [ sypsekɑ̃, ɑ̃t ] adj. • 1370; lat. subsequens, entis, p. prés. de subsequi « suivre de près » 1 ♦ Vx ou littér. Qui suit (la chose dont on parle), qui vient après, dans le temps. « J étais resté sous le joug des faits… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Subsequent — Sub se*quent, a. [L. subsequens, entis, p. pr. of subsequi to follow, succeed: cf. F. subs[ e]quent. See {Sue} to follow.] 1. Following in time; coming or being after something else at any time, indefinitely; as, subsequent events; subsequent… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • subsequent — sub·se·quent / səb si kwənt, ˌkwent/ adj: following in time, order, or space see also condition subsequent at condition compare precedent Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law …   Law dictionary

  • subséquent — subséquent, ente (sub sé kan, kan t ) adj. Qui suit, qui vient après. Un testament subséquent annule le premier. HISTORIQUE    XIVe s. •   Et par ce appert comme les operacions qui precedent vertu et les subsequentes sont semblables comme dit est …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

  • subsequent — mid 15c., from M.Fr. subséquent (14c.), from L. subsequentem (nom. subsequens), prp. of subsequi to follow closely, from sub closely, up to (see SUB (Cf. sub )) + sequi follow. Related: Subsequently …   Etymology dictionary

  • subsequent — Subsequent, [subsequ]ente. ad. Qui suit, qui vient aprés. Par un acte, par un traité subsequent …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • subsequent — [sub′sikwənt, sub′sikwent΄] adj. [ME < L subsequens, prp. of subsequi, to follow close after: see SUB & SEQUENT] coming after; following in time, place, or order subsequent to after; following subsequently adv …   English World dictionary

  • subsequent — [adj] after consecutive, consequent, consequential, ensuing, following, later, next, posterior, postliminary, proximate, resultant, resulting, sequent, sequential, serial, subsequential, succeeding, successional, successive; concepts 585,820 Ant …   New thesaurus

  • subsequent — Subsequent, La nuit subsequente …   Thresor de la langue françoyse

  • subsequent — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ coming after something in time. DERIVATIVES subsequently adverb. ORIGIN from Latin subsequi follow after …   English terms dictionary

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